fee simple determinable definition

Two types of defeasible estates are the fee simple determinable and the fee simple subject to a condition subsequent. William Blackstone defined fee simple as the estate in land that a person has when the lands are given to him and his heirs absolutely, without any end or limit put to his estate. Fee simple ownership is the most common . o Note: the fee simple subject to a condition subsequent differs from the fee simple determinable in that the grantor must affirmatively take action to recover the property. Typically referring to an interest granted to a party that will become a fee simple (ownership) provided that some condition is met which, if it fails to be met, the property will revert back to the grantor upon the death of that party. What is Fee Simple Determinable A fee simple determinable interest in land is one that terminates automatically if a specific event occurs. Source: Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law 1996. These are fee simple determinable, fee simple subject to condition subsequent, and fee simple subject to executory interest. fee-simple-determinable; fee-simple-subject-to-condition-subsequent; In Re Pruner's Estate, 400 Pa. 629, 162 A.2d 626 (1960). : a fee granted to an individual and to that individual's descendants which is subject to a reversion or remainder if the grantee has no lineal descendants but which becomes a fee simple absolute and freely alienable upon the birth of a direct descendant see also De Donis Conditionalibus compare fee tail at fee These conditions influence the right of possession. on . A defeasible estate is created when a grantor places a condition on a fee simple estate . . fee simple determinable; fee simple subject to condition subsequent; fee simple subject to executory interest; fee . Established by durational language, fee simple determinable estates are followed by the future estates of a possibility of reverter. Characterized by words of duration: "so long as" or "while" or "until" or "during" But to retain possession, they must meet certain conditions that were put in place by a former property owner. A "fee simple determinable" is an estate that automatically expires on the . fee subject to a term of years -- The interest of the landlord in a landlord-tenant relationship, sometimes called the landlord's "reversion." The major difference is that while a fee simple determinable automatically ends if the grantee (the person who received the land) does not fulfill the condition, the grantee's interest in a fee simple . In the case of a leasehold . YouTube. "so long as", "until", "while") which causes ownership of a property to revert to the grantor upon the occurrence of that condition. term: Fee Simple Determinable fee simple determinable see fee simple. Match all exact any words . Why not? To be defeasible has to be capable of forfeiture; Subject to the Rule Against Perpetuities (unless property is to revert to the grantor) Three Types Fee Simple Determinable Fee Simple Subject to Condition Subsequent In a fee simple determinable estate, an owner maintains an interest in the estate "as long as" a condition is met. fee simple determinable ( plural fees simple determinable ) ( law) A defeasible fee created with clear durational language expressing a condition (e.g. A fee simple absolute is the absolute highest form of property ownership that one can have. It can be referred to as "complete ownership". Fee absolute. Types of fee simple defeasible include fee simple determinable, fee simple subject to condition subsequent, and fee simple subject to executory limitation. Meaning of fee simple. In a fee simple absolute, a person owns a property until he or she transfers it to someone else. I can use it as collateral for loans, and so forth. A leasehold is an agreement between the fee simple owner and the lessee, or the person or group that will occupy the property in some form. What means ownership fee? Related terms . : a defeasible estate in fee that may come to an end (as for breach of a condition or on account of an executory limitation on a stated event) specifically : a base or determinable fee simple compare fee simple conditional. What does fee simple mean? Determinable fee estate. Pass Your Real Estate Test - Guaranteed! Previous Next. Depending on what part of the country you are from, Fee Simple Defeasible is also called a qualified fee estate, conditional fee estate, or a determinable fee estate. In this situation, if the buyer violates the seller's explicitly stated stipulations, then the property. It's mine, all mine. fee simple determinable; fee simple subject to condition subsequent; fee simple subject to executory limitation An interest in real property that may be defeated upon the happening of a certain described event.In other words,someone must take an action in order for the estate to come to an end. . Examples Stem. A fee simple is generally created when a deed gives the land with no conditions, usually using the words like "to John Doe" or "to John Doe and his heirs". . Example: "I grant Blackacre to First Methodist Church 'for so long as it is used as' (or 'but only if the property is used for') a church." Search for a definition or browse our legal glossaries. n. An interest in property that is given by a grantor to the owner that will become a fee simple if a particular condition is met, usually having to do with the estate passing to specific heirs of the owner, and if the condition is not met the estate goes back to the grantor when the owner dies . A fee simple estate subject to an executory limitation is called a "determinable fee simple estate." This is a fee simple interest in every respect, except that it passes to another if the contingency happens. +17 more terms. Gain more insights from LegalMatch's online law library today. Fee simple determinable definition. Fee Simple Determinable Definition An interest in land that terminates upon the occurrence of a specified condition. A fee simple determinable is an interest in land that will end automatically if a certain specified event happens. Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. 1971). A limitation to a man and his heirs on the part of his father, affords an example of this species of estate. Fee simple ownership provides the owner will full enjoyment and control over the property. The fee simple upon condition subsequent, an estate of present possession, corresponds with the right of re-entry, an estate of future possession. Fee Simple Absolute vs Fee Simple Defeasible. With fee simple determinable, the condition refers to the property's use while ownership is being held. Upon the occurrence of a specified event, the estate may be lost. Answer: Fee simple ownership is full and complete in the greatest sense of "ownership". That is, they assume that they own the property in fee simple. A fee simple absolute is the absolute highest form of property ownership that one can have. 0 Related Articles This limits fee simple ownership rights. In the fee simple determinable the estate is terminated by the mere happening of the event. wex. qualified fee, a fee simple defeasible, a fee simple determinable, or a fee simple subject to a condition subsequent. An estate that will be terminated as soon as the freehold tenant breaks the initially set condition. Said another way, the fee simple determinable is a fee simple interest that is subject to a restriction that has the potential to terminate the interest. Definition of qualified fee. This page introduces the property concept of fee simple determinable; that is, even though an individual is considered the owner of land, the previous owner, at the time the land was transferred to the current owner, may have imposed a limitation on the current owner's use of the land and if that . These are called fees simple conditional. View Notes - Mnemonics - PropertyTerm: Definition: Fee Simple Determinable FI Frank Sinatra Doesn't Prefer Orville Redenbacher Term: Definition: Frank Sinatra Doesn't Prefer Orville Redenbacher Fee determinable fee simple. This type of unlimited estate is called absolute . If the museum shuts down, the estate will be automatically transferred to the grantor. Fee simple determinable is the clearest and most binding form of fee simple defeasible. In this manner, what is a fee simple absolute in real estate? Definition of fee simple in the Definitions.net dictionary. If the conditions aren't met, the property ownership can be voided. . Determinable Fee Estate A fee simple estate in which the property automatically reverts to the grantor upon the occurrence of a specified event or condition. A fee simple defeasible is a fee simple that deals with the conveyance of a property with conditions. Fee-simple-determinable definition Meanings (law) A defeasible fee created with clear durational language expressing a condition (e.g. possessory estate of fee simple determinable, is a long-standing When used efficiently and fairly, a fee simple determinable with a auction, receives a fee simple determinable . A fee simple estate has three (3) characteristics: Alienable: the capacity for the property right to be sold or otherwise transferred from one . It is usually through sale, gift, or inheritance. That change marked the divergence . Fee-simple as a noun means An estate in land of which the inheritor has unqualified ownership and power of disposition.. . Also called a qualified or base fee, is one which has a quality subjoined to it, and which must be determined whenever the qualification annexed to it is at in end. It's ownership that comes with. It has been described as: "the right to share in well production, subject to the costs of exploration and development." 17 11 See e.g. If you do not pass your test, simply contact us with your failure notice and we will refund you in full. 16 The key attribute of the "working interest," other than its ownership of the fee simple determinable estate, is its cost-bearing nature. Also called: Determinable Fee. n. An interest in property that is given by a grantor to the owner that will become a fee simple if a particular condition is met, usually having to do with the estate passing to specific heirs of the owner, and if the condition is not met the estate goes back to the grantor when the owner dies . Definition in the dictionary English. PROPERTY. The Legality of Defeasible Fees If a transfer of real estate is qualified by a "condition subsequent," such as the new owner cannot do something, the former owner would retain the right to initiate legal action to retake the property if the new owner does indeed do the prohibited thing. Don't get too entrenched in the name though, as the chances of seeing this on your real estate exam are really low. Ownership of real property that is limited to expire automatically on the happening or non-happening of an event that is stated in the deed or in a will. Watch later. Return to Estates in Property. The related rules section is for members only and includes a compilation of all the rules of law in Quimbee's database relating to this key term. How to pronounce fee simple determinable? Generally, a person who purchases real property (land) assumes that they own 100% rights in the property. This means that if the condition is violated, the property will automatically revert to the grantor without further action. If the terms are violated or not met,. What is Fee Simple Determinable? In a fee simple absolute, a person owns a property until he or she transfers it to someone else. Copied to clipboard . Fee simple is the term used to represent the maximum ownership interest in real property that is allowed under the law. Fee Simple Determinable based on Willhite v.Masters, Missouri. What is another name for a fee simple determinable estate?

simple determinable, fee simple subject to condition subsequent, and the like). Defeasible estates have additional conditions on a fee simple property or estate written into the deed. "A leasehold is a contractual relationship that the lessee enters into with the property owner - so there is a fixed term on that contract," says Brad Tisdahl, CEO of Tenant Risk Assessment, a tenant . Fee simple defeasible . 82 (Tex. What Is Fee Simple Defeasible. Ownership depends on continuously respecting some specific condition. Definition and Examples of Fee . Such an indiscriminate use of terms to describe the estate has led to confusion in the cases when an attempt is made to analyze Fee simple owners can encumber the property as collateral for loans and can bequeath it to a beneficiary in a will, but they're still restricted from breaking the law or local covenants on or within the property. 27 a, 220; 1 Prest. fee simple defeasible. fee simple determinable An interest in real property that will automatically terminate upon the happening of a certain described event. There are three types of fee simple defeasible. A fee simple determinable estate is a type of a fee simple defeasible estate. definition of fee simple absolute; however, in the 1980s the phrase unencumbered by any other estate or interest was appended to the appraisal definition. the fee simple subject to a condition subsequent the fee simple determinable. The person who grants the property interest retains a "possibility of reverted,". This is an example of fee simple determinable: You have a property sold on the condition that while it is being held, it will be used as a school. Here, property owners own surface rights as well as mineral rights, without any limiting conditions. Compare: Fee, Conditional. Also referred to as determinable, conditional or qualified fee. In English law, a fee simple (or fee simple absolute) is an estate in land, a form of freehold ownership. fee subject to an executory limitation -- A defeasible fee followed by an executory interest. For the interest to exist or to continue to exist, a certain event must . Fee Simple Defeasible A fee simple defeasible is a special condition found in some deeds. . All of these estates impose legal restrictions on the holder's ownership, and buyers should not confuse them with the true fee simple described in Section 1. Fee Simple Defeasible. This term applies to any condition where ownership of the property is dependent on the occurrence or non-occurrence of a certain event. fee simple determinable -- See determinable interest. Sec. If the grantor uses language in regard to time, such as "to John Doe as long as the land is utilized for farming," then when the aforementioned event takes place, the estate will instantly terminate and return to the grantor or the grantor's estate, a prime . Real Estate Exam Prep. property & real estate law. "so long as", "until", "while") which causes ownership of a property to revert to the grantor upon the occurrence of that condition. Filters . 2. Why are these estates referred to as defeasible? A fee simple estate subject to an "executory limitation" is called a "determinable fee simple estate" or a "fee simple determinable." An "executory limitation" is an event which, if it occurs, automatically divests one of the devised property. fee simple determinable. There could be no remainder after any fee simple. In other words, a fee simple determinable interest is a fee simple interest; that is subject to a restriction that has the potential to terminate the interest. For example, if the property is meant to be used as a museum, the person can only use the land as long as it is used as a museum. Litt. If the property at any point is not being used as a school, then they are at risk of losing . A fee simple estate that automatically ends when a certain event or condition occurs, giving the right of possession to the transferor. determinable fee simple. , Moore v. Vines, 474 S.W.2d 437, 41 O.&G.R. In this arrangement, owners can keep their properties and land forever. However, a possibility of reverter does not follow a fee simple determinable subject to an . Fee-simple definition. A fee simple determinable is a sub-type of fee simple defeasible that allows some restrictions or limitations on an estate. Fee Simple Determinable: An ownership interest that reverts to the grantor upon the happening of a stated event. fee simple conditional. "Fee simple determinable" terminates the interest in a property when conditions are not met or are violated. fee simple determinable noun A defeasible fee created with clear durational language expressing a condition (e.g. The interest will revert to the grantor or the heirs of the grantor. In the example above, by the mere fact that the widow remarried while in the estate upon condition, the . [3] Moreover, it was considered that the problems of determining a fee simple value in the Marshall Islands, where such transactions were virtually unknown and not subject to market analysis, precluded the evaluation of . Risk Free Pass Guarantee.

468 subscribers. Fee simple. fact Blind Ad Condemnation Defeasance clause Doctrine of Laches Dual Agency Easement Equitable title Estoppel Executed contract Fee Simple Defeasible Fiduciary Deed Friable Implied contract Metes And Bounds Net Listing Operating Statement Option Contract Personal property Power of . It is the way that real estate is owned in common law countries, and is the highest ownership interest possible that can be had in real property. A fee-simple estate in which the property automatically reverts to the grantor on the occurrence of a specified event or condition. SIMPLE Not compounded, alone; as, simple interest, which is interest . A fee simple determinable is an estate that will end automatically when the stated event or condition occurs. This is a redundant form of "fee," but is used to show the fee (absolute title) is not a "conditional fee," or "determinable fee," or "fee tail." Like "fee" it is often used in deeds transferring title as in "Harry Hadit grants to .

Definition of Fee simple absolute in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. Allodial title is reserved to governments under a civil law structure. fee simple determinable: a defeasible fee that automatically terminates upon the occurrence of a specified event or condition and which reverts to the grantor compare estate on condition at estate NOTE: A fee simple determinable is conveyed by language which states that the estate automatically terminates and reverts to the grantor, and which . Copy link. Contrast with more restrictive interests in land, like a life estate or fee tail. A has a fee simple determinable and will hold the land for as long as it is used as a car wash. What is meant by a fee simple estate in land? Fee Simple Determinable. An estate in fee simple denotes a form of freehold ownership. David US English Zira US English Fee Simple Determinable When a condition is violated or not met, a fee simple determinable instantly terminates the interest in the property. It's so complete, that when I die I can direct where it goesto a wife, kids, charity, whatever I want. In the event the condition is broken, the grantor has the right to reenter and retake the property from the grantee. It is usually through sale, gift, or inheritance. "so long as", "until", "while") which causes ownership of a property to revert to the grantor upon the occurrence of that condition. Example: "I grant Blackacre to First Methodist Church 'so long as' (or 'while' or 'during the period') the property is used for . A fee simple with a condition attached. Related Real Property Terms Pass the Bar, Guaranteed To reiterate, a fee simple is made defeasible in one of three ways: (1) by the creation of a fee simple determinable, (2) by the creation of a fee simple upon condition subsequent, and (3) by the . . . DETERMINABLE FEE. Thousands of students use our handy guide and sample tests to prepare for and pass the Real Estate Salesperson & Broker exams. A fee simple determinable is also known as a "determinable fee." Commonly created with deeds that include words of limitation like "as long as," "so long as," "while," "during," or "until." It is either one estate or the other. defeasible fee (plural defeasible fees) An estate in land that may be divested from its current owner upon the occurrence of an event set forth by the grantor in the grant. Fee simple defeasible (qualified fee) An estate that is subject to some condition to determine when it will begin or end. Definition of defeasible : capable of being annulled or made void a defeasible claim. To access the related rules, please start your free trial or log in. 254; Co. Litt. For example: To A for as long as the property is used for a museum. Information and translations of fee simple in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. A fee simple estate where the property holder owns the property with all legal rights but subject to a condition. Well, just because there couldn't be, and stop asking impertinent questions."' The statement that there can be no remainder after a fee simple is logically valid where a fee simple absolute is involved, for such a fee simple by definition is of infinite An inheritable freehold estate. Published under license with Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. wex definitions. The meaning of FEE SIMPLE DEFEASIBLE is a fee-simple estate that may come to an end under a stipulated provision; sometimes : fee simple determinable. Land held in fee simple can be conveyed to whomsoever its owner pleases; it can also be mortgaged or put up as security. A type of freehold estate that provides the most complete form of ownership and bundle of rights in real property. : a defeasible estate in fee that may come to an end (as for breach of a condition or on account of an executory limitation on a stated event) specifically : a base or determinable fee simple compare fee simple conditional. Fee simple estates (uncertain or potentially infinite duration) that can be terminated upon the happening of a stated event. Freehold estates made up of the fee simple absolute estate, the fee simple determinable estate, the fee simple subject to a condition subsequent estate, the fee tail estate, and the life estate. Definition of qualified fee. fee simple conditional. The recipient upon the contingency's happening has an "executory interest." A life estate is created by words showing intent . A has a fee simple determinable, and will hold the land for as long as it is a museum; the grantor holds a possibility of reverter. Fee simple defeasible, sometimes called fee simple determinable, is a slightly less powerful form of ownership. Here, property owners own surface rights as well as mineral rights, without any limiting conditions. The limitations and restrictions may refer to how the property is used and administered by the estate holder. and gas lease. Depending on the wording of the conditions in the deed, the estate will be either fee simple determinable or fee simple subject to a condition subsequent. Another name for fee simple estate. Normally, a possibility of reverter follows a fee simple determinable.