ulster plantation surnames

W G H P. 11 You will need an atlas or map of Scotland At the foot of the page you will find 8 Ulster-Scots surnames that are also places in Scotland. Key names: Armstrong, Boyd, Carson . Scotch-Irish is a traditional term for Ulster Scots who later emigrated to what is now the United States; "Scots-Irish" is a more recent form of the American term, and is not to be confused with Irish-Scots, i.e., recent Irish immigrants to Scotland. Within its tumultous history are periods of massive restructuring known as the Cromwellian and Williamite plantations. His son James then became the vicar of Belfast dying in 1772. Write the words Ulster-Scots next to four of them and the word other next to the remaining four. The Plantation Surnames of Ireland (Scots-Irish) Map is now available to purchase ().. Produced by the Ulster Historical Foundation in conjunction with Tourism Ireland and the Ulster-Scots Agency for the Stone Mountain Games in Atlanta, Georgia in October 2008. After the surrender of Hugh O'Neill, he and . The plantation brought many changes to Ulster. "The idea behind plantation was to take the land away from the Catholic Irish, replacing them with English and Scottish settlers. Here are ten surnames. At no time before, during or since this period has Ulster been vacated en masse by its Irish population of the older stock. Image below from The Diocese of Armagh Website The region was almost wholly rural and had few towns or villages. The economy of Gaelic Ulster was overwhelmingly based on agriculture .

This is the first ever of its kind. We admit this kind of Ulster Plantation Map graphic could possibly be the most trending subject considering we share it in google gain or facebook. A one-of-a-kind genealogical record. The Plantation of Ulster Irish Plandil Uladh Ulster-Scots Plantin o Ulstr1 was the organised colonisation plantation of Ulster a province of Ireland. The Plantation of Ulster took place from roughly 1605 through 1701. Throughout the 16th century, Ulster was viewed by the English as being "underpopulated" and undeveloped. Work out the Ulster-Scots surname for each of these picture clues. Fitzgerald Drummond McGregor York Garibaldi McCartney Campbell Wonge Paderewski McIlwaine 3 5 Gather information and make a list of famous people with a Scots or Ulster-Scots surname. From A.D. 1608 to 1620. Plantation of Ulster. The Ulster Scots are an ethnic group in Ireland, descended from Lowland Scots and English from the border of those two countries, many from the "Border Reivers" culture. A number of Ulster Scots also have surnames which are of indigenous Irish origin. Known in that place as early as 1245. Quigley is an Irish surname that has been prevalent in the Emerald Isle since the 16th century. The Plantation brought big changes to Ulster. Mid Argyll and Lennox were areas influenced by the Reformed faith and this fact influenced their relationship with the Lowland Scots migrating to . The party was founded by Andrew Jackson in 1828 and he served as the first Democratic President from 1829 to 1837 Ulster had always been the strongest of the four provinces in the struggle against English attacks and domination and for that very reason the English now devised a scheme to make it the weakest Some assert that those spellings were of Scottish . This surname is of Scottish origin. These A1 (folding to A5) maps list over 400 names of the first wave of Scottish settlers who migrated to Ulster between 1606 and 1641, all researched from the [] The map has revealed some interesting findings, many Scottish Gaelic Surnames are become 'Irishised,' for example 'MacCrindle' became 'McReynolds,' and MacKay became McCoy. Often surnames are a giveaway. Those Ulster planter families tended to arrive as intact families - often maintaining their original culture and religion down to the current day. Woulfe states that Abbott (a common Anglo-Irish surname) is a derivative of Abraham; but Reaney gives it its obvious meaning, adding that such surnames often originated as nicknames. Search: Ulster Scots First Names. Add some more names and picture clues of your own.

This map . The Plantation was composed of six entire counties, namely, Armagh, Tyrone, Coleraine, Donegal, Fermanagh and Cavan, which were confiscated as a result of a war between Hugh O'Neill, Earl of Tyrone and Queen Elizabeth. In fact, they are Scottish 'MacHarg' from Galloway. The region was almost wholly rural and had few towns or villages. . A must for anyone with Scots-Irish, Ulster-Scots or Anglo-Irish ancestry. If we look around today we find evidence of the settlement everywhere, not only in the buildings and towns, but in the very people who live here. 1892 (5th Edition) Volume 2. Irish Pedigrees; or the Origin and Stem of the Irish Nation. During the Plantation of Ulster (British colonization of Ireland), many Scots settled down in Fermanagh, where the name grew into Irish custom.. 19. Landowners received lands in the Plantation of Ulster. Other names such as Babington, Poots and Parke are English. Plantation (Ulster) The redistribution of escheated lands after the defeat of the Ulster Gaelic lords and the 'Flight of the Earls' in 1607. . [1] Some of the Irish Chiefs having adhered to the famous Hugh O'Neill, Earl of Tyrone, in the war against Queen Elizabeth, six entire counties in Ulsternamely, 1. The following is a list of Scottish surnames, contained on Muster Rolls and Estate Maps of the eight Plantation Counties of Ulster for the period 1607 - 1633, which was the initial phase of the plantation scheme. See also the direct line Ireland resident surnames associated with the Williamson line of Ireland including STEWART , McNEIL , BOOKER , HOGG and BYERS . We identified it from reliable source. His son James then became the vicar of Belfast dying in 1772. Those Ulster planter families tended to arrive as intact families - often maintaining their original culture and religion down to the current day. It will also help you to begin to search for your Scots Irish ancestors with a range of online resources, guides and help notes to enable you to explore the Ulster aspect of your family s heritage. The economy of Gaelic Ulster was overwhelmingly based on agriculture . The following is a list of Scottish surnames, contained on Muster Rolls and Estate Maps of the 8 Plantation Counties of Ulster for the period 1607-1633.Surnames which occurred more than once in a County are indicated as x2, x3, x7, etc. It also discusses the colonial city of London/Derry and the plantation of the Laggan in Co. Donegal. Often surnames are a giveaway. However, there had been an often-forgotten, earlier, migration from Scotland into the west of Ulster. The article on the Ulster Plantation by Donegal Cultural Services considers the establishment of the plantations and important figures during the plantations, such as King James 1, Sir Henry Dowcra and Sir Cahir O'Doherty. Ulster Plantation Map. Surnames which occurred more than once in a County are indicated as x2, x3, x4, etc. Johnston. In Ulster, a Kelly sept, claiming descent from Colla, the 4th century King of Ulster, was based in south Derry.

AIKEN (also Aitken, Eakin, Eakins) In Ireland common only in Ulster, Aiken is of Scottish origin. This family may be part of the Ulster Plantation . A County Galway sept, whose name originally meant . Produced by the Ulster Historical Foundation in conjunction with Tourism Ireland and the Ulster-Scots Agency for the Stone Mountain Games in Atlanta, Georgia in October 2008. Search: Ulster Scots First Names. A striking feature of the mapped extent of these Gaeltachts is its coincidence with areas where more than 50% of local surnames are of Irish origin and more than 50% of the local population are . Search: Ulster Scots First Names. The surname derives from the old English personal name Arcebald, Arcenbald or even Ercenbald meaning either "right bold" or "holy prince" The first of the name in Scotland was Archebaldus filius Swani de Forgrunde in the reign of William the Lion. FIrst up is the brief introduction by RIchard Hanna Scottish names are used in the country of Scotland as well as elsewhere in the Western World This was the name of the first king of the Scots and Picts (9th century) The list includes people like Sergio Ramos, Sam Allardyce This list of celebrities is loosely sorted by popularity Samuel Shute liked the idea . Armagh, 2. Gillis The plantation of Ulster is generally regarded as including the period from 1608 to 1620. The historical and settlement event which occasioned this phenomenon was the Ulster Plantation of the 17th century. "We would also like to see more Ulster-Scots townland names being recognised After the Conquest it became a very popular name and was pronounced and written as "Wauter", hence the abbreviated form of Watt and Wattie Ulster Scots to America (1717 - 1775) Check out all of the amazing designs that Forged In Ulster has created for your Zazzle products 5 . Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The following is a list of Scottish surnames, contained on Muster Rolls and Estate Maps of the eight Plantation Counties of Ulster for the period 1607 - 1633, which was the initial phase of the plantation scheme. Thousands of this stock, it is true, did emigrate at different times, but other thousands remained and their descendants reside in . Surnames which occurred more than once in a County are indicated as x2, x3, x4, etc. Andrew Jackson's male line originates in Yorkshire, England, for example. Many of these surnames were also introduced from England/Scotland into Ulster as part of the Ulster plantation through the 1600s and 1700s. COUNTY ANTRIM (Redirected from Ulster Plantation) The counties of Ulster (modern boundaries) that were colonised during the plantations. The Plantation of Ulster was not a chaotic affair, it was well planned and what the Plantation Surnames map has revealed is that whole communities moved and settled together. English and Welsh people were also involved with the Plantation of Ulster, and so their surnames can be found among Ulster Scots. Access-restricted-item true Addeddate 2013-06-13 13:40:31 Boxid IA1117319 Camera Canon EOS 5D Mark II City Belfast (etc) Donor bostonpubliclibrary External-identifier John O'Hart. Write these names in the correct place on the map below: As a result, about 3,798,000 statute acres . It tells the story of the old Irish families losing their land, and the new settlers who assumed it. Adams Agnew Aicken Alexander Algeo Allen Allison Anderson Andrews Arkles Arnett Austin B Bailie Barbour Barkley Barr Barry Bauld Beattie Bell Black Blackwood Blair Boyd Boyle Bozwell Brackley Brisbane Brown Bruce Bryce Buchanan Burke Burne Burns Buthill C Cahoon Calte Calwell Campbell Carcott Carlile Carmichael Carothers Carr Carslaw Carson Among the Irish natives to whom land was thus set apart at this time in Ulster are found such names as : O 'Boyle, O'Bradie, O'Cassidy,O'Cleary, O'Corcoran, O'Corr, O'Devin, O'Develin, O'Deveney, O'Donnell, O'Donnelly, O'Dowgan, O'Flanegan, O'Gormley, O'Gowan, O'Hagan, O'Hanlon, O'Mallen, O'Mulchrewe,O'Muldoon, O'Mulholland, O'Neill, O'Quin. Although plantations in Ireland had started in the 1500s the Ulster Plantation did not start until after the fall of the last Irish Chieftains in 1603. The seeds for this Atlas of Irish Family Names in Ireland project wer After the plantation, Ulster was no longer a Gaelic redoubt but a land mainly English and Scottish and indeed the place where the two first mingled in earnest to be the first true British nation Their ancestors were Lowland Scottish and Northern English people, many being . Surnames in Ulster The Scots in Ulster - The First Scottish Migrations to Ulster (1606-1641) Landowners Landowners received lands in the Plantation of Ulster. Ulster Plantation section navigation. Search: Ulster Scots First Names. Surnames in Ulster The Scots in Ulster - The First Scottish Migrations to Ulster (1606-1641) . Over 3,000 different surnames are detailed. Kelly was known as a surname in Scotland long before the 19th century immigration really established the name there; there was a Kelly sept attached to Clan Donald. Before the plantation, Ulster had been the most Gaelic province of Ireland, as it was the least anglicized and the most independent of English control. It has also dispelled some persisting myths; the 'Mahargs' are not Grahams in disguise (Graham spelled backward is Maharg).

Most were minor lairds, though others, such as Ludovic Stewart, Duke of Lennox and James Hamilton, Earl of Abercorn, were aristocrats and held important positions in the Scottish government. This is the second volume to the set entitled, 'Conquest of Ireland, An Historical Account of the Plantation in Ireland.' It contains the record of the great change in land ownership and power in Ireland. NEW Scots-Irish Surnames Map The First ever Scots-Irish or Ulster-Scots 'Plantation Surnames of Ireland Map' which d etails the precise location of where the Scots (and English) settled during the Plantations of Ireland. Mid Argyll and Lennox were areas influenced by the Reformed faith and this fact influenced their relationship with the Lowland Scots migrating to . Today, for instance, one can explore the Plantation surnames in the farmland that surrounds a town like Ballymena in Antrim and discover surnames associated with specific . Throughout the 16th century, Ulster was viewed by the English as being "underpopulated" and undeveloped. Phone +44 28 7012 3577 There are 32 ulster scots for sale on Etsy, and they cost $21 Open Monday to Friday 10am - 4pm Today the Davis name is among the most numerous in England and Wales On the contrary , the Ulster-Scots, Scotch-Irish (call them what you will) were not of Anglo-Saxon stock and, moreover, emigrated to America to avoid religious persecution .

There is no known connection between these two Kerr families. Updated on 20/10/2020 The Glasgow route is six miles long The Scottish Davis family was a sept of the larger and powerful Davidson Clan The Scots have for many centuries followed a traditional pattern in assigning given names to their successive childrenor rather, a traditional pattern, with variant The Scots have for many centuries followed a traditional . The plantation of Ulster in the 17th century led to many Scottish people settling in Ireland. 20. Search: Ulster Scots First Names. The Plantation of Ulster was part of the English conquest of Ireland, a method used to pacify and civilise the province. 1660 AD: Surnames associated with Cromwellian Soldiers. These free resources are intended to introduce the family historian to the basics of Scots Irish research. The 32-year-old Fijian international will join the Irish province on a one-year deal in the summer This app includes information what makes this historic town significant from an Ulster-Scots perspective and is packed full of all the information you need for a great day out In order, the five names are Maguire, Johnston, Armstrong, MacManus and Elliott 00 pm . These A1 (folding to A5) maps list over 400 names of the first wave of Scottish settlers who migrated to Ulster between 1606 and 1641, all researched from the [] It is the Scottish form of the English name Atkin, which comes from Adkin, a pet form of Adam. The Plantation scheme applied to just six of Ulster's counties - Armagh, Cavan, Donegal, Fermanagh, Londonderry and Tyrone. The Ulster Plantation (1605 - 1697) Don Kelly 1997. . Quigley. These people first began to occupy Ireland in large numbers with the Plantation of Ulster, a planned process of colonisation which took place under the auspices of James VI of . Origins in Ulster: Plantation Scottish. Further information: The Ulster Plantation Early development English and Welsh people were also involved with the Plantation of Ulster, and so their surnames can be found among Ulster Scots. . The Plantation Of Ulster. Origins in Ulster: Plantation Kerr also Keir and Kier a Scottish family who homeland was Sterlingshire, taking their name from the Parish of Keir near Sterling. The descendants of the Scots, English and Welsh (plus later Palintines) who poured into Ireland from the beginning of the 16th Century, can still be found farming the lands that their ancestors first settled hundreds of years ago. A separate Irish Kerr family of Monaghan origins can be found most often as Carr. Irish. In order til achieve this he first o' all giv Counties Antrim an' Down til a man called Hamilton Montgomery, who proceeded til bring Ulster Scots folk back o'er in boats frae Scotland an' gie them houses an' the like fur til live in, thus plantin' people raither than trees oor the like, an' gien us the wurd Plantation Mapping of Ulster-Scots, from 'The . The Scots Irish (Ulster Scots) The first ever Plantations Surnames of Ireland map has been completed just in time for the Back to Our Past Event in Belfast in 2019. Its submitted by admin in the best field. These are the surnames of the original Scottish settlers from 1606 to 1641, who would go on to become the 'Scotch-Irish'. Here are a number of highest rated Ulster Plantation Map pictures upon internet. Undertakers and Planters A number of Ulster Scots also have surnames which are of indigenous Irish origin. Search: Ulster Scots First Names. The map details the precise location where farmers with each Plantation Surname concentrated in early census data. Logue: 51. There are many variant spellings. A one-of-a-kind genealogical record. The name was very common in the parish of Ballantrae in Ayrshire and many of our Aikens may stem from there. He did that to replace the rebellious Irish population who were Catholic with Protestant peoples deemed more loyal to the crown. As a result, about 3,798,000 statute acres were under the crown of England. Search: Ulster Scots First Names. Andrew Jackson's male line originates in Yorkshire, England, for example. The Plantation was composed of six entire counties, namely, Armagh, Tyrone, Coleraine, Donegal, Fermanagh and Cavan, which were confiscated as a result of a war between Hugh O'Neill, Earl of Tyrone and Queen Elizabeth. THE PLANTATION OF ULSTER .

ADAMS . Those Ulster planter families tended to arrive as intact families - often maintaining their original culture and religion down to the current . During the early 17th century, the Plantation of Ulster was an attractive area of settlement for migrants within the British Empire. A one-of-a-kind genealogical record. ULSTER PLANTATIONS: The King of England settled English and Scots into Counties Antrim, Down, Armagh, Tyrone, Donegal, Cavan, Fermanagh, Monaghan and Derry. Surnames such as Hamilton, Stewart, Montgomery and Forsythe are Scottish in origin. Most were minor lairds, though others, such as Ludovic Stewart, Duke of Lennox and James Hamilton, Earl of Abercorn, were aristocrats and held important positions in the Scottish government .

Before the plantation, Ulster had been the most Gaelic province of Ireland, as it was the least anglicized and the most independent of English control.